
borne out




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borne out

时间:2024-05-21 06:54 点击:160 次

What Does "Borne Out" Mean?


Have you ever heard the phrase "borne out"? If you're not familiar with it, you might be wondering what it means. In this article, we'll explore the definition of "borne out" and provide some examples of how it is used in context.


To put it simply, "borne out" means to be confirmed or supported by evidence or facts. It is often used to describe a theory or hypothesis that has been proven to be true through observation or experimentation.


Let's take a look at some examples of how "borne out" might be used in a sentence:

- "The results of the study bore out our initial hypothesis."

- "The witness's testimony bore out the defendant's alibi."

- "The data from the experiment bore out the researcher's theory."


"Borne out" is a somewhat formal phrase that is typically used in academic or professional contexts. It is often used to convey a sense of certainty or confidence in a particular idea or concept.

Similar Phrases

There are a few other phrases that are similar in meaning to "borne out." These include "confirmed," "validated," and "substantiated." However, "borne out" specifically implies that the evidence or facts have supported a particular theory or hypothesis.


The phrase "borne out" comes from the verb "to bear,和记|怡情|慱娱" which means to carry or support. In this context, "borne" is the past participle of "bear," meaning that something has been carried or supported in the past.


In conclusion, "borne out" is a phrase that means to be confirmed or supported by evidence or facts. It is often used in academic or professional contexts to convey a sense of certainty or confidence in a particular idea or concept. If you encounter this phrase in your reading or writing, you can now be confident in your understanding of its meaning.

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